Matt Shin Matt Shin

What’s therapy like?

There are all kinds of approaches. It's easy to be overwhelmed by the names, terms, and acronyms thrown around in counseling if you're missing a background in psychology. But the reality is, no matter how carefully you evaluate practitioner profiles, learn about their backgrounds, or Google their theories, every one will show up differently when you sit across from them. Their body language, tone, content, even their identities, experiences, and histories will influence their work with you.

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Matt Shin Matt Shin

Burnout: What is it and why do I have it?

If you Google “burnout,” it’ll be hard to find a clear, consistent answer. A post on WebMD proposes that it’s a type of exhaustion resulting from being overwhelmed. A Mayo Clinic article describes it as a form of stress. An article on Psychology Today claims that burnout is mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion resulting from stress. But burnout is not yet a diagnosable medical condition or psychological disorder, so there’s a lack of clarity around what should be a common definition.

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